It’s tough to tame the rhino! RhinoTech, that is, as two Indian friends and business collaborators acknowledged during their visit to our headquarters. With the innovation and immersion of RhinoMite adhesives, RhinoClean Screen Wash, Press Wash and more into the Indian economy, together; we are forging ahead to build upon this relationship with shared goals. These include offering the highest quality materials into their screen printing industry with customer and technical support for the smallest - largest screen printing shops and help India’s economic growth along the way that faces multi-faceted challenges.
Simultaneously, we remain deeply invested in helping the United States economy to recapture its vibrancy. And regain its first place ranking instead of the recent slip to the number two spot according to The Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010.
In October, the Leaders in India Business Forum 2009 will be held. The keynote speakers will touch upon Indian and global business, focus on the solutions to problems and present ideas on how to better deal with the present and future. And we want to be part of the solution and the future.
RhinoTech has a goal to help businesses survive, thrive and grow in the U.S and in India. Through use of our new green technology, other innovative products and equipment, we will continue to aid in reducing impact on our global environment; help to keep product costs low so that larger returns are gained by customers and shop owners, locally and globally.
Let us help you achieve the same by unleashing the power of the rhino.