RhinoTech Covers Volleyball Team
with B and W!
Warm and motivated in their black
t-shirts printed with brilliant white toner courtesy of RhinoTech, the
"Sets on the Beach" volleyball team won top place at the University
of St. Thomas' 3rd Annual Wellness Center Beach Volleyball Tournament.
Held on May 3 in Minneapolis, MN,
the Team, captained by Alyssa Michaels, braved chilly spring weather to get a
jump on outdoor activity after an unrelenting MN winter. Playing on sand and
grass volleyball courts, the event inaugurated the beginning of outdoor intramural
competition, the necessity of maintaining a healthy body and mind and
all-in-good-fun competition for students needing to bust out of the confines of
a classroom.
Digitally Printing with the RT SunAngel WHITE System.
This system is straightforward and
easy to use due to a 2-step image printing process. Using the RT33WB printer
with two white toner cartridges to ensure opacity, the operator begin by using
an Image Sheet and a Transfer Sheet. But, instead of offering directions here,
checkout the RT SunAngel Part 2 video that uses the same method to print with
white toner on black as it does to print color on dark apparel.
As an aside and to further drive home
the ease of this system, Team Captain Alyssa asked if she could try to print shirt. In about 15 minutes, she learned how to marry the
Image and Transfer sheets and mastered the rest of the steps to print including
gaining the “feel” of the heat press and the 'perfect' pressure.
On-Trend in Black and White.
Whether its color blocked, a graphic
design, black and white strips, black flowers on white or polka dots, B and W
is what is trending today! And, really, is this blend ever NOT on trend?
Let us help you be as progressive as
possible in the world of digital printing with the dynamic RT SunAngel series.
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