RhinoTech announces access to the hands-down, most effective Emulsion Remover available in the screen printing industry! RT ERG 8550L is part of the RhinoClean Green product group that has enabled screen printers on a world-wide basis to reuse screens many times over. And because of the powerful results of RT ERG 8550L, unparalleled textile prints have been produced. Many have gained national recognition for their clarity, authenticity and beauty.
1. Place screen in a RhinoTech Washout Booth. Remove ink from screen with RhinoClean Green Screen Wash
2. Spray both sides of screen with RhinoTech ER8550L
3. Using a scrub brush, brush both sides of the screen. Wait one minute for the ER to start to dissolve the emulsion.
4. Using a RhinoClean 1500A Pressure Cleaner, thoroughly rinse all emulsion from the screen.
5. Let screen dry in a RhinoDry Drying Cabinet prior to coating with emulsion for your next printing project
888.717.4466; rhinotechinc.com; info@rhinotechinc.com.