Burning Question:
Simple Answer by RhinoTech:
When using a DTG system to print on
dark t-shirts, for example, each shirt must first be sprayed with a pre-treatment
fluid. This fluid prepares to receive the ink (toner). It is a crucial and needed
step in this type of printing situation so that each and every print
will last and pass the wash test.
can be tricky when applying the fluid, however, because if too much is used, the
final image will start to flake off after the initial wash. If too little is
applied, the surface to be printed will be inadequate and the final print will
not be the high caliber image sought. Compounding the issue of pre-treatment is
that the correct amount of fluid found to work on one brand might not be the
same for the next brand of t-shirt, the same or next batch, color or style
used. And, finally, cost factor is another consideration.
The answer to the question is a solid, YES. There is an alternative to using a digital
printing system that doesn’t require pre-treatment of dark or light garments.
The solution is to use a DIGITAL
heat transfer system that utilizes laser heat transfer papers and printers. Time and money saved!
This step involves research, but the
following options help reduce decision-making time when it comes to determining
the best system for your specific business and space needs. The following digital and inkjet heat transfer systems for apparel
printing don’t require any pre-treatment. It’s just all about creating,
printing and heat transferring the image to the garment.
With the RT SunAngel DARK series of
heat transfer paper and printers, the operator can create vivid transfers for
both light and DARK garments simply by printing the image and heat pressing it
directly onto the DARK shirt. The apparel/fabric can be 100% cotton, a 50/50
blend and/or 100% polyester. There is no preference toward brand, batches or style.
The final results are sharp, highly
defined designs with dazzling colors in Fluorescent color and white and/or by
using traditional CMYK + white toners. Because this is a laser system,
heat transfer paper can also be used
with this system.
next option is SingleStep™ that is a weedless, laser paper for white and light
color garments. Once the image is printed onto fabric, it leaves no window – only
the toner transfers. The resulting design is soft and feels as if it had been
screen printed.
SingleJet™ is heat transfer paper used
with inkjet printers, only. This paper involves
a simple, refined one step process to printing on white and light color fabrics
and garments. Vibrant images result. You
can also print a photo, flat color design text, block graphics
or spot colors with this system.
With exceedingly low upfront costs
of a digital printing system in tandem with bypassing the several step process
involved with pre-treatment and DTG systems, the printer saves time, effort and
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Your time is precious and we are appreciative that you used some of it to read this info.

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