Craftsters and hobbyists unite!
Want a simple, small space DIY set-up? SingleJet™ heat transfer paper works with
inkjet printers in just these types of areas. Easily transfer brilliant design and dramatic colors onto white and light
color fabrics, such as t-shirts, hats, golf towels, duffles, pillow cases, hot yoga mat towels and other garments using a regular, common, every day household iron.
Create these!
Also use SingleJet™ to print photos, flat color design text, block graphics and spot colors. A home or studio-type environment offers killer space to print your own swag and specialty gifts that you will probably be distributing during the many upcoming holidays in November and December (and throughout the year) that you, your friends/family will joyously celebrate together, locally or globally.
Round out your set-up with any one of the RhinoTech heat presses along with a recommended Epson 1430 Inkjet Printer (order direct from Epson for $299 and free shipping).
Remember...RhinoTech offers FREE SHIPPING in the contiguous U.S. of A. on all orders of $50+.
888.717.4466 651.686.5027 ext. 4