It's been a tough few years in the screen printing world. We worry, we discuss, we hash and rehash marketing and advertising ideas and try different marketing tools. We remain connected to our customers through our dealer reps., answer customer questions and help them produce exceptional goods through use of RhinoTech products.
Through it all, however, the one constant has been the RhinoBond Toughened Series of Adhesives that has remained top-performing and most requested/ordered.
For practical purposes, the RBT Series offers advanced FLEXIBILITY to be used when adhesive fracturing (released bonds) has become a problem and a narrow bond line exists. Extraordinary features of RBT:
1. No pre-mixing of solvents required.
2. Provides tension-holding capabilities of more than 90 Newtons.
3. Available in a wide range of viscosities to allow a superior bond to wood or aluminum frames.
4. Flexible and impact toughened.
5. Spreads easily and quickly onto the screen with great removal characteristics.
6. Dries in seconds and has very little odor.
7. Non-hazardous.
8. Available in RBT: 20, 50, 100, 300 cPs.
For more information: gregory@rhinotechinc.com or 941-232-6892; todd@rhinotechinc.com or 651-686-5027
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